The Methodology of Positive Economics, by Milton Friedman
The Economic Approach to Human Behavior, by Gary Becker
Rational Decision-Making in Business Organizations, by Herbert Simon.
In this 1978 Nobel Prize Lecture, Simon introduces the concept of bounded rationality.
On Realism of Assumptions
How Should Economists Choose?, by Ronald Coase
In this piece, Coase challenges many propositions by Friedman. He thinks realistic assumptions help economists to pin down the underlying mechansim that explains how economic system works in reality; and he also gives numerous examples that a few revolutionary economic theories in the past were never judged by their prediction power. -
Realism and Comprehension in Economics — Exchanges between Oliver Williamson and Herbert Simon
On Econometrics and Empirical Studies
The Ten Commandments of Applied Econometrics, by Peter Kennedy
Ed. Leamer on the state of econometrics, EconTalk audio interview
Let’s Take the Con out of Econometrics, Leamer’s critique on econometrics
Credibility Revolution in Empirical Economics, development since Leamer’s 1983 critique
Other relevant pieces from the symposium “Con Out of Economics” on JEP 2010
On Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics and Reality, by Chris Sims
Macroeconomics and Methodology, by Chris Sims
Some Macroeconomics for the 21st Century, by Bob Lucas
How did economists get it so wrong?, by Paul Krugman
Rebuttal from John Cochrane at Chicago
Bob Lucas defends modern macro on Economist Magazine, and on Wall Street Journal
On Behavioral Economics/Finance
Behavioral Economics, by Richard Thaler et al.
From Efficient Markets Theory to Behavioral Finance, by Bob Shiller
The Rational-Behavioral Debate in Financial Economics, by Alex Rosenberg et al.
A Survey of Behavioral Finance, by Richard Thaler et al.
The End of Behavioral Finance, by Richard Thaler
Psychology and Economics, by Matt Rabin
A Perspective on Psychology and Economics, by Matt Rabin
On Field Experiments
Why Economists Should Conduct Field Experiments, by John List
Field Experiments with Firms, by Bandiera et al.
On Economist as Engineer
The Economist as Engineer, by Al Roth, in which he advocates economics should de-emphasize being science, instead it should focus more on problem solving.
On Cliometrics (combining economic history with econometrics)
Introduction of Cliometrics, by Claudia Goldin
On Neuroeconomics
Neuroeconomic Foundations of Economic Choice, by Fehr and Rangel
On Economics as Policy Science
What Use Is Economic Theory?, by Hal Varian